Wilsons Prom revisited: Home of the wombats!

In mid January, we planned a week-long overnight hike to the beaches of Wilsons Promontory. It turned out quite different since Bettina became a bit sick just when we were about to leave. Eventually, we stayed the first couple of days in Tidal River to relax and recover, doing some of the shorter day hikes, and spotting animals. It was a great place to hang out, especially in the hours of dusk when lots of wombats came out to eat. Several of these cute animals are used to the campground and even try to get hold of the food stored in the tents. Apparently it is quite an effort to get a wombat out of the tent again! We even saw a mother and baby wombat napping and then hurrying off to find a nice spot of green grass to munch.
We also saw many kangaroos, wallabies, and surprisingly, a large tiger snake right next to the camp ground. Here are the pictures.
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