Spicy Soy Chorizo Burgers!

Being a big fan of vegetarian protein sources and meat substitutes, the decision to bring home a Soy Chorizo from Trader Joes was quickly made. Especially, since there is nothing similar available in Berlin. And hell yeah, it was worth it!
With some left-over quinoa, beans, onions, and half a habanero of last year’s balcony harvest, a spicy burger mix with the rather soft Chorizo was quickly assembled. The Chorizo is indeed quite spicy and the texture is more close to a paste than to a sausage. Its taste is very meaty, a little bit like a very thick bolognese sauce – it seems to fit for a variety of dishes, such as Tacos, Lasagne, and of course burgers. Combined with a delicious salad with sweet mustard dressing, we finished all burgers in minutes.
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