Blue Mountains NP

Blue Mountains NP

For the last day of the road trip, we drove from Wollemi to the Blue Mountain NP, excited to visit the lookouts with the steep cliffs. Due to the close proximity to Sydney, the park sees a lot of tourists (2.8 million per year) and most attraction are developed in a way, that they are easily accessible. There might be chances to escape to more remote areas of the park, but with just one day left, we did the main attractions as well. We first stopped at Pulpit Rock Lookout, providing magnificent views of the Blue Mountains.

We then proceeded to the campground in Katoomba right next to the Three Sisters and Katoomba Falls. While the views are amazing, the experience suffered a bit because it is such a busy place a mere 50m from the campground. Compared to the parks and hikes in the previous days (Warrumbungle only sees 35,000 visitors per year), the Blue Mountains felt very different. The next day started foggy and rainy, so instead of ascending the Grand Stairway, we packed our tents, and drove to the Royal NP for the last night of the trip. The weather eventually cleared up and we enjoyed a short part of the Heritage Walk through the coastal forest.

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